WVIA airs Food Inc. – Monsanto is evil

December 9, 2010

Tonight WVIA television presented the 2004 movie Food Inc as a fundraiser. My wife and I viewed it 18 months ago. It was the last time she ate meat.

Here is the beginning of the movie. It sets the tone and gives you a fairly good sense of what is to come:

While the movie deals with many alarming issues in its three segments, the most disturbing is the documentation of Monsanto Corporation’s systematic attempt to control the world seed and food supply through legal intimidation and ruin.

Monsanto is a very evil company. I will call it Mammonsanto:

Another film, The Future of Food is an excellent treatment of Monanto’s attempt to control the food chain. Here is the trailer (go to the website to see the entire film):

Monsanto has lobbied Congress to pass Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety and Modernization Act. It could potentially outlaw human scale agriculture :

And even Glenn Beck seems alarmed:

With this being the thirtieth anniversary of  John Lennon’s death, it is insulting to note that Mammonsanto has trademarked the word “imagine” as its own:

Imagine no Monsanto, Its easy if you try…

And getting back to WVIA, good job showing Food Inc. Now how about airing Gasland , Bill Kelly!  That is what public broadcasting is supposed to be about. (My wife and I have supported WVIA radio for thirty years.)

If you are afraid of sponsor backlash, you are no better than a commercial enterprise. That is not what public broadcasting is supposed to be.

nothing has improved

December 6, 2010


cosby jello

Saw Bill Cosby
(“doctorate in education”)
hawking sugar
to the kids

making cute faces
from inside the tube.

Fuck You Kids!



Celebrity and corporations are all part of the same country club.  It has always been “okay” to sell crap to children.  Just walk down the cereal aisle  at a conventional grocery.

We market to children through  trusted characters like Doctor Heathcliff Huxtable    Hey kids!  Eat our trainloads of empty calories made from trainloads of cheap commodities and chemicals.   It is sooooooooooooooo good!

And of course, if Bill Cosby thinks it is good – it must be so.

If it is okay to sell bullshit “cereal”  to children, it is also okay to jeopardize their water and air.  It is all the same mindset:  “catch me if you can” -ism.

Organized Crime

November 16, 2010

it is time for the state to act to protect the health and the rights of the citizens of Pennsylvania rather than looking out for big business and their bottom lines.

Doug Shields who represents the 5th Council District in the City of Pittsburgh

image: Adbusters

“natural” gas is NOT “clean energy”

October 15, 2010

From the Safe Water Movement’s petition to support a total ban on gas drilling in low-permeable deposits in New York State:

1. With a failure rate of between 2 to 8 percent, horizontal drilling and hydrofracking pose an unacceptable risk to our drinking water and the quality of groundwater, aquifers, lakes and streams.

13.Recent preliminary assessments reveal that “natural” gas is not “clean energy” but rather just another polluting, non-renewable fossil fuel contributing to global warming”

Links about dirty gas:

The Dirty Truth Behind Clean Natural Gas (from the National Wildlife Federation)

Gas is dirty energy and may be dirtier than coal ( regarding Australia)

The Dirty Truth Behind Hydrofracking (from Environmental Graffiti )

The Dirty Truth Behind The New Natural Gas ( from Kentucky Rural Water Association) ( a comprehensive overview )

The Dirty Secret of Shale Gas (from Motley Fool)

Public Health Impacts of Oil & Gas ( from No Dirty Energy )
(Take the PLEDGE)

Cornell’s Howarth Warns EPA… (good links )

You are trailer trash until they need you

July 28, 2010

wanna bees
and baby

they are in charge.

and the uninspired,

they call the shots.

and uncaring,

see only themselves…

Do you love this world
and rejoice in it?

Or do you relish the smell of diesel?

Do you love

Or do you love
this privileged form of governance?

(It seems the difference
between God and a fallen preacher.)

That would be American

May 30, 2010

“The world’s whole petroleum resource is estimated at a million terawatts, which happens to be equal to the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth every day.” 

above quote from The Independent Home by Michael Potts

Just as the world is moving forward with sustainable and alternative energy sources and management, we are allowing our piece of it to be raped and plundered by Big Gas.

Just as the United States consumers are buying more and more locally, we allow our farmland to become an industrial zone.

We are willing to let a small minority of our fellow citizens pollute the resources one hundred percent of us use. What is sane or democratic about that? We all share this halo of air and water.

Our aim should be to make each home energy independent.  No monthly bills.  That is what we can leave our children.  That would be American.

the threat of democracy

May 28, 2010

If this evil and blatant usury of our land is not stopped by our elected and sworn representatives by listening to reason, constituents, and the constitution – if they wimp out on their duty to make sure anything done to this state is done right or not at all; if this illegal attack supplants democracy – then democracy will be wrestled back, one way or another.

Dick Cheney’s Picture Book of Energy – Page 1

May 21, 2010


Obviously, the Sun is NOT a good source of energy.

drill the bitch

May 19, 2010

The beast is circling and beginning to take bites, a variance here, a clearing there. Soon will come a train of trucks carrying the rig. Like a missile on parade in Red Square, it might as well have a hammer and sickle on its side. The bit will drive into the bone of Mother Earth and leave her contaminated. This will happen in front of those who allow it.

Those who refuse to sign a lease will soon be tied down and forced to witness the rape. If big gov and big gas have their way, eminent domain will be granted to those who pipe the gas. You thought you could make a stand? Not in Corporate America (the former United States).

See Companies seek eminent domain status to lay gas pipelines:

killing a creek in West Virginia – Molly M.

May 12, 2010

My daughter lives in West Virginia near the PA border. Here are some articles she sent to me about a fish kill on a creek 30 MILES LONG! The kill was caused by a gas company allowing fracking fluid into abandoned mines.
This happened last September.

A bloom of toxic alien algae is being blamed for killing thousands of fish, mussels and other forms of aquatic life in more than 30 miles of Dunkard Creek along the Pennsylvania-West Virginia border this month.

Three weeks ago, fish started dying in Dunkard Creek, a scenic stream that winds along the West Virginia-Pennsylvania border in Monongalia County

Dunkard Creek experienced a large fish kill in 2009 from golden algae and high chloride water.