Violations and Accidents in PA

3/23/10 Sorry I have not been keeping this updated. Too little time – too many incidents. Could use help. If you have info, send it and I will at least paste it up. But, if you scroll down you will get a good sense of the chaos, this unconventional drilling can cause. Thank you. Herb

This is an ongoing incomplete list in development.  It is ordered under company name.  I will add to it as I run across such stories.  If you have any to add, please send me the link.  Thank you!

<a href=””&gt;Marcelllus  Shale gas  drillers committed  1,435 violations in 2.5 years. report says</a>

<a href=””>Operation Fracnet violations place 208 trucks out of service</a>

5J Oilfield Services LLC of Palestine, Texas: Pennsylvania state police issue $26,000 in fines for overweight trucks

Atlas Energy Inc:  Pennsylvania Lawsuit Says Drilling Polluted Water

Atlas: DEP Fines Atlas $85,000 for Violations at 13 Well Sites/

Atlas: Natural gas fire under control

( [] is this the same one? probably due to fine amount but check anyway ) Earlier this year, the department fined Atlas Resources $85,000 for failing to control erosion and runoff at six well sites and for not properly discharging waste products, including diesel fuel and production fluids, which spilled onto the ground at seven wells.

Cabot Oil and Gas:DEP Notes 5 Violations for Gas Drilling Spill

Chesapeake Appalachia LLC: DEP Fines Chesapeake Appalachia LLC for Acid Spill

Chesapeake Appalachia: Gas Driller Cited for Violations…

Chesapeake Energy Corp: Questions Remain In Gas Well Accident

Chesapeake Energy Corp:  PA Police Catch Gas Company Truck 41 Tons Over Weight Limit

Chesapeake Energy Fatality at Gas Drilling Rig

Dunn’s Tank Service Inc.: Towanda Company Cited for Wastewater Violations

Fortuna: Fortuna Energy Fined $3500 for Well Drilling Violations

Hodges Trucking Co.Natural gas truck stopped on Bradford County road weighing 41.6 tons over weight limit

Jersey Shore Borough: Jersey Shore Plant Fined $75,000 for Gas Wastewater Violations

M.R. Dirt: DEP Fines M.R. Dirt Inc $6000 for Residual Waste Sludge Spill

Novus Operating, LLC: SRBC Orders Gas Driller to Stop Work ( for violations)

Schreiner Oil and Gas Inc. of Massillon, Ohio: Gas, oil driller blamed for polluting McKean County wells

Southwestern Energy Production: Drilling Without a Permit

Swamp Angel LLC: Drillers Admit Dumping (Frack) Water in National Forest

Talisman Energy:Fuel spill reported in Armenia Township

T.K. Stanley Pa. state police halt oversized convoy in North Towanda

Van-White Inc. of Troy, PA: Woman Killed in Tioga County Crash – Gas Drilling Truck Driver at Fault

XTO:  Floodplain Well Permit Violation


Allegheny National Forest is being hurt

Pennsylvania Gas Wells Booming-But So Are Spills

Industry and EPA Collaborated to Hide the Truth

Spills of drilling chemicals worry experts

leads:  (some of these below may be redundant)


• On Feb. 2, DEP fined Talisman Energy $3,500 for violations at its “Cease” well pad in Troy Township discovered during inspections in 2009. A February 2009 inspection revealed that the company had not publicly posted the permit number and other required information at the entrance of the well pad. During a follow-up inspection in June 2009, a DEP statement explains, “flow-back fluids — or the fluids that are used to break up underground rock and then return to the surface — were found discharging into a drainage ditch, an adjacent sediment basin, and eventually through a vegetated area into an unnamed tributary of the south branch of Sugar Creek.”

• On Feb. 3, Pennsylvania State Police arrested and jailed four drivers employed by TK Stanley, a rig moving company headquartered in Waynesboro, Miss., for driving a convoy of oversized trucks through North Towanda Township on U.S. Route 6.

• On Feb. 6, state police cited three men employed by T.A.W. Inc. of Wysox for driving trucks with weight, size and permit violations.

• On Feb. 7, Arthur H. Dawes of Blossburg, Pa., was arrested and jailed after his overweight and oversized truck was involved in three separate accidents as he traveled through Bradford County. Dawes and his employer, Todd Berguson Trucking, received over $15,000 in citations as a result of the incident.

• On Feb. 8, James Matusek of Shavertown, Pa., and his employer, Latona Trucking, were fined over $31,300 after state police discovered a truck driven by Matusek to be 49.7 tons overweight.

• On Feb. 23, Arron Waddy, a driver for MARMC Transportation of Caspar, Wyo., was cited with $24,089 in fines after state police stopped his vehicle on U.S. Route 220 in Albany Township and discovered it was 71,707 pounds overweight.

# On Feb. 2, DEP fined Talisman Energy $3,500 for violations at its “Cease” well pad in Troy Township discovered during inspections in 2009.

A February 2009 inspection revealed that the company had not publicly posted the permit number and other required information at the entrance of the well pad. During a follow-up inspection in June 2009, a DEP statement explains, “flow-back fluids — or the fluids that are used to break up underground rock and then return to the surface — were found discharging into a drainage ditch, an adjacent sediment basin, and eventually through a vegetated area into an unnamed tributary of the south branch of Sugar Creek.” The Daily Review

Pine Creek Toxin Spill

According to DEP’s own records, there are significant discrepancies between the numbers of  wells permitted during 2009 (6,240 vs.  2,543)  and the number drilled since 2005  (19, 165 vs. 18,796).  Also according to DEP’s records,  there were 9,848 well inspections during 2009 which revealed  3,361 violations and  resulted in 678 enforcements.  (Numbers are culled from DEP’s 2009 Year End Report and its  2009  Year End Workload Report.  Other numbers are available at the 2010 Permit and Rig Activity Report.   The reports can be found at:


Noncompliance results in gas fines

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) will receive $170,000 in fines from three gas companies for not complying with Pennsylvania state regulations on water withdrawals used for gas drilling, as reported in the Lock Haven Express. Novus Operating LLC began drilling two wells in Tioga County without receiving the proper water withdrawal permits from the SRBC and was ordered to cease construction and penalized $100,000. Southwestern Energy began construction on a single well in Bradford County without acquiring permits. The company agreed to remove pipe it had installed in the ground and to pay $50,000. Chesapeake Energy Corp. made a $20,000 payment after it discovered a contract water hauler had removed 10 percent more water than the company was permitted to take for gas drilling operations. Chesapeake reported the violation to the SRBC.

Spill in Sproul State Forest:!d9&pId=PkRA9E8jBz4=&acn=zj!d9
Read more:

The Pennsylvania Natural Gas Industry Wall of Shame


In February 2009 Cabot spilled 100 gallons of diesel fuel at Dimock, PA (WGNB News, “100 Gallons of Diesel Fuel Spilled” [2/6/09]).

In May 2009, the Pennsylvania DEP ordered Range Resources and Chief Oil & Gas to suspend operations at two sites in Lycoming County for violating PA’s Clean Stream Law. The companies were withdrawing water from Hoagland Run and First Fork Larry’s Creek without having obtained the required permits (PA DEP “DEP Orders Partial Shutdown” [5/30/09]).

In June 2009 a leaking waste water pipe from a Range Resources gas well polluted a tributary of Cross Creek Lake in Washington Country, PA. The spill killed fish, salamanders, crayfish, and aquatic insects (Pittsburgh Post Gazette “Waste from Marcellus” [6/05/09]).

On September 16, 2009 Cabot Oil & Gas spilled up to 8,400 gallons of fracking lubricant into Stevens Creek and a nearby wetland near Dimock, PA. Cabot representatives were unable to identify the chemical composition of the liquid. This is Cabot’s third chemical spill in the Dimock area since the spring of 2008. (Ithaca Journal “State Probes Spill” [9/17/09]).

On January 20, 2010 the Pennsylvania DEP fined M.R. Dirt $6000 for spilling 7 tons of “gaswell drilling wastewater sludge” in Avis, PA. The dump truck driver drove away even though he saw the spill (DEP “DEP Fines M.R. Dirt” [1/20/10]).

On February 1, 2010 the Pennsylvania DEP fined Fortuna Energy $3500 for various infractions at a Bradford County site, including the discharge of fracking fluid into a tributary of Sugar Creek (DEP, “DEP Fines Fortuna” [2/1/10]).

On March 20th, 2010, a truck hauling water for a hydro-fracturing operation slammed into the back of a car near Mansfield, killing Mildred Barnhard, a 74-year-old Lock Haven woman (LH Express, “LH Woman” [3/22/10]).

On March 26th, 2010, Andarko Petroleum spilled 8,000 to 12,000 gallons of synthetic-based mud at a drilling site in Clinton County (, “Spill in State Forest” [3/30/10]).


Pennsylvania: In 2009, the Zimmerman family of Washington County reported contamination of drinking water after hydraulic fracturing of nearby natural gas wells owned by Atlas Energy. Water testing on their farm found arsenic at 2,600 times acceptable levels, benzene at 44 times above limits, naphthalene at five times the federal standard, and mercury and selenium levels above official limits.

Pennsylvania: In 2008, two families in Gibbs Hill reported contamination of drinking water after hydraulic fracturing of a nearby natural gas well owned by Seneca Resources Corporation. Their water had strong fumes, caused burning in lungs and sinuses after showering, and caused burning in the mouth immediately upon drinking.

Pennsylvania: In 2009, families in Bradford Township reported contamination of drinking water after hydraulic fracturing of nearby natural gas wells owned by Schreiner Oil & Gas. The drinking water of at least seven families has been contaminated.

Pennyslvania: In 2009, the Smitsky family in Hickory reported contamination of their drinking water after hydraulic fracturing of nearby natural gas wells owned by Range Resources. Their water became cloudy and foul-smelling. Testing found acrylonitrile, a chemical that may be used in hydraulic fracturing. The EPA is now investigating this incident.

other resource

This is about stats in NY state and argues the inadequacy of regulatory system in the face of the system’s claims otherwise:

Oil and Gas Drilling Rig Hazards:

12 Responses to Violations and Accidents in PA

  1. qazse says:

    thank you Gale. I wish I had had the time to update this all along.

    Sad to see another innocent unsuspecting citizen whacked like a fly.

  2. Safiyyah says:

    These “fines” are a drop in the bucket compared to all the profits they’re making 😦

    • qazse says:

      Heretofore, it has been a joke. However it was good to see a fairly significant fine recently levied at Chesapeake. Although, it was for three violations.

      Will the more punitive amounts continue? I hope so, but I doubt it. I hope I am proven wrong… Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Scott says:

    I see negatives but no positives,sad. TROUBLE IS THE EASIEST THING TO FIND. How about also reporting on the good things the gas industry has done for all of these areas?

  4. qazse says:

    like what Scott?

  5. tennessee says:

    these water trucks can not be 41 tons over weight who ever is writing this crap should do some investigating befor printing lies.
    82000 pounds overwieght is not possible. you are nuts now how about the things the gas companies are doing for our cummunities. like better roads, better schools, and all the jobs, and all the money being paid to the state that the state isnt using right.they pa doesnt have any money yet they get millions and millions from the gas companies.

  6. gh says:


  7. gh says:

    FYI…All these haters toward hard wk’g/ created..that aren’t Govt..but being robbed?..$26500 for overwt?..if these citizens complaining got such fines..that would be more equal treatment..maybe then ..they’d understand..Easy to speak if don’t know what talk’n about..Besides..I’m sure they’d rather get resources from MiddleEast forever More!!..get a life or a job ..instead of being jealous/envious or just too scared to do what we do in the oil/gas field…Go get a wind turbine/solar panel govt subsidized..or some corn ethanol ..more tax dollars…pretty soon when these companies goes with them…then you’ll be whining again…grow up…probably same people complaining bout building pipeline from N.D/Canada to TX……I guess as long as govt sends you a’ll be happy..problem is …who pays…these hard wk’g guys..away from home..risking lives/money…spending n u’r twns..while being harassed by police?’on…what is an appropriate fine?…why not impound 4 wheelers/cars for traffic violations..maybe they would then appreciate the gustapo going on…these are real people..just cause that well ain’t on u’r property…don’t be jealous..which i figure you are..cause you ain’t get’n a ck..nor wk’g to help another country..since you hate what we do here?>….go to middle east or brazil..follow those dollars our govt sent to drill over there…I could go on..but…i figure ..probablly won’t figure it out anyway..wast’n our time…plse…quit harassing wk’g people..try’n to improve this country & create good jobs…vs..your plan??…Salute to you oil/gas workers out there…write more comments to adress these folks who are obviously so tainted….Sad for this country….ps…these same folks complaining ain’t got the guts to do what were doing…i guarantee..they just suck off us…get’n the job done…i think they call that chicken sh** n most…

  8. Wow, this list is overwhelming. Thank you for sharing.

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