Be ashamed to die

October 25, 2017

” Be ashamed to die before you have scored a victory for mankind”  – Horace Mann

July 15, 2013


No more

just spycurity.

No more sleeping
in peace,

only sleeping
while watched.


image source:

I Love Jay Sweeney – Sign on!

March 21, 2013

Part II of Jay’s email  (Part I is previous post):

Please submit your organization if you support this action (Earth Day  demands from previous post).

The following have already done so: (Mammon hates these guys too)

Green Party of Pennsylvania
Lenape Nation
Cross County Citizens Clean Air Coalition
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
Green Party of Luzerne County
Lehigh Valley Gas Truth
Marcellus Outreach Butler
Brandywine Peace Community
Food and Water Watch
Green Party of Bucks County
Green Party of Delaware County
Green Party of Philadelphia
Northwest Greens
Protecting Our Waters
Jasmine Rivera of Action United
Dr. Walter Tsou, Health Commissioner of Philadelphia, 2000 – 2002.
Green Party of York County
Peach Bottom Concerned Citizens Group
Marcellus Protest
Mountain Watershed Association
Shadbush Environmental Justice Collective
Westmoreland Marcellus Citizen Group
Shale Justice Coalition
Energy Justice Network
Fracking Truth Alliance
Communities United for Rights and Environment
Environmental Justice Committee, Thomas Merton Center
Berks Gas Truth
350 Berks
Lehigh Valley Climate Action
Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air
Citizens for Clean Water
Benedictine Sisters Erie PA
Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition
South Hills Area Against Dangerous Drilling (SHAADD)
Erie County League of Women Voters

* FM: Awesome list of links! I’m signing on…

Jay’s email:Jay Sweeney []

Mammon hates Jay Sweeney

March 21, 2013

And,Jay Sweeney hates no one.

Here is an announcement from Jay Sweeney(Chair of the Green Party of Pa.):

Calling on those who wish to live in harmony with the Earth and protect the planet from assault, abuse and devastation!

Please join us on Earth Day, April 22, 2013, as we call on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to fulfill its mission to “protect Pennsylvania’s air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment” and to “work as partners with individuals, organizations, governments and businesses to prevent pollution and restore our natural resources.”

Join us as we gather at DEP’s regional offices in Harrisburg, Norristown, Meadeville, Pittsburgh, Wilkes-Barre and Williamsport to demand:
The resignation of DEP Secretary Michael Krancer for failure to fulfill the DEP mission
No more permits for gas wells, compressor stations, pipelines, water withdrawals and other infrastructure related to natural gas, coal or oil extraction
No more toxic secrets — full disclosure of water test results and other studies done by the DEP
Justice for those harmed by the oil and gas industry
The reopening of the DEP Office of Energy and Technology Deployment to develop solar, wind and other renewable energy technologies


March 13, 2013

Monsanto continues to be regarded as a person while acting like a monster.  Please follow this link to take action and resist!

Stop the Monsanto Amendment in the Budget!

Earthquakes? What Earthquakes?

February 19, 2013

Read: Fracking Did Cause Eleven Earthquakes in Ohio Last Year

Yo Billport! Here come the quakes (what is happening beneath you?):

Moratorium Now!

February 16, 2012

STOP the unbridled assault upon our communities and their environments:

Let common sense prevail!

SIGN Moratorium Petition here:

Repugnant is Newt by Karen Belli

February 6, 2012

Newt is a brute,
a brute is Newt.

Newt you are moot,
so moot is Newt;

A bloated ego,
and vile to boot…

Newt Newt,
you’re so NOT astute!

image source:DonkeyHotey

My Chinese Footprint Getting Smaller

February 5, 2012

Plastic Piece on Earth


Actually, I have been posting about , and boycotting (when possible), Chinese products since 2006.

Where my stuff comes from is important. The closer, the better. We try hard to buy local, organic, sustainable, and fair trade.

We are not perfect at it. But over time our negative impact on the Earth has lessened while our dollars have stayed closer to home.  It is an ongoing process of personal growth and deepening commitment. Understanding that executives don’t give a shit beyond the bottom line – their jobs, mortgage, family, and toys.


Since the 1990’s I have been taking an informal survey of persons wearing American flagged apparel. Also, when in  clothing stores I will look at the labels.  Ninety eight percent of the time the item is made elsewhere.

How about this sentiment on your infant’s onesie.  I guess if you disagree with our inherent militarism you ought to be shot.  That is the American Way to some.  They love to “defend” freedoms they don’t believe in.  As long as it involves shooting.  They see life as Win-Lose.


Please understand, I have no animus toward the Chinese people or culture.  I have much regard for them.  One might argue that a boycott would hurt the people.  If  this is so, they will turn and put added pressure on their government to do the right things.

Also, I have no animus for gun owners.  However I do abhor the the use of threat to dissuade others from thinking differently.  Isn’t that what we should be defending – the freedom of thought.

Boycott China and Russia! Contact them here!

February 4, 2012

Russia and China have vetoed a key UN resolution on Syria calling for the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad” following the massacre of more than 200 people by security forces in the city of Homs. – Reuters

Russian and Chinese support for this regime runs deep.  What threatens one brutal government, threatens them all.

Assuredly, the protection of these two authoritarian states will embolden the miscreant – Bashar al-Assad. As we sit here, he resumes his slaughter of defenseless civilians.

I am not helpless.  I can let the idiots know I am not buying their stuff:

Chinese embassy in Washington, DC United States:

Ambassador: Mr. Zhang Yesui
Address: 3505 International Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel Operator: +1-202-4952266
Cell: +1-202-6698024 (For Emergency Only)
Fax: +1-202-4952138

Russia Embassy , United States:
2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Washington DC
District of Columbia
Website URL:
_______________________________________________________________________________________Here here is my email to them:

Please help stop the carnage in Syria by supporting the U.N. resolution to ouster Bashar al-Assad.

When you protect barbarians you become barbarians.

I pledge to stop buying Russian and Chinese imports until your countries consistently take the side of humanity.

H. R. Baldwin Jr.
Dallas, Pa

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Check Check out: BOYCOTT RUSSIA AND CHINA TILL THEY RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL COUNTRIES on Facebook_________________________________________________________________________________________