You are trailer trash until they need you

July 28, 2010

wanna bees
and baby

they are in charge.

and the uninspired,

they call the shots.

and uncaring,

see only themselves…

Do you love this world
and rejoice in it?

Or do you relish the smell of diesel?

Do you love

Or do you love
this privileged form of governance?

(It seems the difference
between God and a fallen preacher.)

the constitutional play

April 26, 2010

this is: oil vs solar
marketing vs truth
walmart vs main street
insanity vs sanity
landmen vs farmland
lawyers vs community
lobbyists vs democracy
secrecy vs transparency
the state vs you

Poetry Project – A Poem By Kayak Dude!

March 15, 2010

There once was a lass from EnCana,
Offering riches beyond heaven’s manna,
She promised everyone more
But when we tallied the score,
All we gained was a dead Susquehanna.

the FrackMountain Poetry Project

March 15, 2010

I invite anyone/and everyone to submit a poem (or song, essay, rant) related to BIG GAS, the Marcellus play, the beauty of this area, its heritage….you get the idea.   I will start things off:

who will want their milk?

Once fields of clover
now radiated mud,

the neighbor cows –
still chewin’ cud.

At my table
I sit and think,

Next time I better buy
elsewhere’s drink.