My Chinese Footprint Getting Smaller

February 5, 2012

Plastic Piece on Earth


Actually, I have been posting about , and boycotting (when possible), Chinese products since 2006.

Where my stuff comes from is important. The closer, the better. We try hard to buy local, organic, sustainable, and fair trade.

We are not perfect at it. But over time our negative impact on the Earth has lessened while our dollars have stayed closer to home.  It is an ongoing process of personal growth and deepening commitment. Understanding that executives don’t give a shit beyond the bottom line – their jobs, mortgage, family, and toys.


Since the 1990’s I have been taking an informal survey of persons wearing American flagged apparel. Also, when in  clothing stores I will look at the labels.  Ninety eight percent of the time the item is made elsewhere.

How about this sentiment on your infant’s onesie.  I guess if you disagree with our inherent militarism you ought to be shot.  That is the American Way to some.  They love to “defend” freedoms they don’t believe in.  As long as it involves shooting.  They see life as Win-Lose.


Please understand, I have no animus toward the Chinese people or culture.  I have much regard for them.  One might argue that a boycott would hurt the people.  If  this is so, they will turn and put added pressure on their government to do the right things.

Also, I have no animus for gun owners.  However I do abhor the the use of threat to dissuade others from thinking differently.  Isn’t that what we should be defending – the freedom of thought.

How Natural Gas Drilling has Changed My Eating Habits by Molly M.

September 1, 2010

Following is a guest post from Molly M.  All are invited to submit:

I travelled to Dimock, PA, several weeks ago to see for myself what was going on at my neighbors to the north.  I was astounded to see gas drilling pads in many farm pastures.  On several sites, cows were being pastured and fed adjacent to the pads. I had read about cows being quarantined in Tioga County after they were suspected of drinking polluted flowback water.  In Washington County cows died after exposure to drilling fluids.  At Dunkard Creek, where all aquatic life died from an algae bloom caused by drilling, beef cows were photographed standing in orange-tainted water.  I have decided not to eat beef any more.  Every time I look at a steak, I see those cows standing next to a drill site.

My new discoveries opened my eyes to other concerns.  How about the farmers who were present at the farmers’ markets? Had they leased their lands?  If I knew for sure they had, I bypassed their stands.  I am also boycotting a restaurant next to a drill pad in Fairmount Township.

I began searching for alternative food sources and discovered the joys of shopping at the Lands at Hillside.  The folks who bought this wonderful farm from the old coal barons opted not to lease these lands.  Hooray!  Now I buy hormone-free milk, free range eggs, Hillside Gold butter, fresh ice cream, and other goodies.  Life is good, and my tummy agrees.